Hokitika Gorge März 2023

Marlborough winery
Totally relaxed - Total Entspannt!
Underway on the South Island
2019 - Luftaufnahmen über Cook National Park
My birthday present from Peter - A flight over Cook National Park. What a marvelous and unforgettable experience.
Mein Geburtstagsgeschenk von Peter - Ein Flug über den Cook National Park. Was für ein wunderbares und unvergessliches Erlebnis.

A country that I truly admire and feel very much at home when being there. It has so many faces. The south island being very much different to the north island. In 2006/2007 Peter and I were privaleged to spend one month travelling the islands in an RV. It was our first visit but by no means our last! This was one of the most impressing journeys of my life. In fact Peter and I considered moving to this part of the world at that time. Just the thought of visiting this country fills me with joy. It is such a versatile country and the people really live according to the Darwin Theory „Adapt to Survive“.
Irrelevant of where we were people made us welcome.
New Zealand will always have a VERY special place in my heart.
We re-visited New Zealand in 2010/2011 and 2017.
New Zealand
Weitere Tierfotos aus New Zealand unter der Katagorie "Tierfotografie"
More wildlife photos under the catagory "Wildlife Photography"