19th January 2016 At Sea
At sea en route to Walvis Bay Namibia. Crossing the Equator Ceremony
After playing a round of paddle tennis and having breakfast with Wolfgang and Ros it was time to watch the Pollywogs! Pollywogs are people who are crossing th equator for the first time and participate in a so called “Crossing The Line Ceremony”.
First of all passengers and members of the crew welcome King Neptune and his entourage on board to initiate all those who have never crossed the equator before.
This ceremony is always enjoyable to watch. A lot of passengers had registered to participate so it was quite a long ceremony. The Pollywogs have to first kiss the fish. The is a procedure which involves the participants and means they really have to kiss a dead fish. Thereafter they get coated in colour and have to jump into the pool. Of course the colour all comes off in the pool. Yes, the pool has to be totally cleaned out after such a ceremony.