20.11.2017 Machu Picchu Puerblo & train back to Cusco


Text & Info from Linda in English


Scroll nach unten für Texte, Infos & Peter´s eigene Eindrücke in Deutsch



I was up early at 5 a.m.

Our tickets to Machu Picchu were from 6 a.m. to noon. Unfortunately Peter was not feeling better but worse so I made the decision that we would not go up the mountain. I went down to the hostel reception and explained that we had tickets but could not use them. The owner took the tickets and our passports and went to Machu Picchu office to try and cancel. It was not possible. I went back to bed and we both slept on until 8.15 a.m. when we went down for breakfast. Check out was 9 a.m.


We decided to leave our bags at the hostel and take a steady walk through the village. This walk proved to be most interesting and entertaining.

The hill that I mentioned earlier through the village had a 20% ascend.

A train came into town bringing goods for local shops, builders etc., and we spent several hours watching the train being unloaded and to our amazement everything and I mean everything was transported around the town by wheelbarrow. Sometimes it took more than one man to push the barrow and the men were not all young. On various occasions they could not see over the top of the goods to see where they were going.

Most of the wheelbarrows were pushed along the main street and then up the hill with its 20% ascension. Unbelievable that these men were doing this ALL DAY from 7 a.m. till 4 p.m. See some photos and I was able to film quite a lot.


Our train left at 14.50 taking us back to Cusco. Again, we thoroughly enjoyed the train journey. Our driver was waiting for us at the railway station in Cusco and took us back to our hotel. We stopped off on the way to get some medication for Peter. After dinner, an early night as our flight to Lima and onto Santiago de Chile was to leave at around 9 a.m. and we had to get up at 6 a.m. for breakfast at 6.30 as our private taxi was collection us at 7 a.m.



Peter - Machu Picchu Puerblo der jetzigen kleinen Stadt am Fuße des wohl berühmtesten Bergs.

Nach einer unruhigen immer wieder von Hustenanfällen durchzogenen Nacht ging es mir nicht gut genug um noch einmal auf Berg zu fahren. Früh morgens um 05.30 Uhr versuchte der junge Besitzer des Hostels die Tickets noch zurück zu geben, allerdings vergebens. Wir ruhten noch

bis ca. 08.15 Uhr packten unsere 7 Sachen, frühstückten, deponierten unsere kleinen Übernachtungsbeutel im Hostel und machten uns auf den Weg um die Stadt etwas näher kennen zu lernen.

Unser Zug nach Cusco fuhr erst um 14.50 Uhr.

Wir erlebten ausnahmslos fröhliche glückliche Menschen. Ob es Elternteile waren die ihre Kinder von der Schule abholten oder ob es die schwer arbeitenden Männer waren die mittels Schub.- oder Sackkarren alles mögliche an Gegenstände teilweise bis zu 20% Steigungen nach oben schieben mussten alle hatten ein Lächeln übrig wenn man ihnen ebenfalls mit Respekt und Freundlichkeit begegnete. Schaut euch Lindas Bilder an, die sagen mehr als 1000 Wort.

Wir nahmen sehr viele schöne Eindrücke mit. Unser Zug brachte uns wohlbehalten zurück nach Cusco wo der Hotelchauffeur bereits auf uns wartete um uns zu unserer 3. Nacht ins historische Hotel zu bringen.

Die Nacht war wenig geruhsam den wir teilten uns ein Queen Bett. Linda hatte sich inzwischen von mir anstecken lassen und so husteten und schnaubten wir uns durch die Nacht, die wieder um 06.00 Uhr endete.


Machu Picchu Pueblo

Traveling back to Cusco